Understanding Brain Injury Workshop

For Community

Our free informative UBI workshop is held five times throughout the year in the NBIS program lounge.  It was designed for people living with brain injury and their family and friends to have a better understanding of the complex issues and consequences of acquired brain injury. 

The workshop covers basic neuroanatomy, current statistics, common causes of ABI, recovery, and the cognitive, physical and emotional impacts of ABI.  It also provides a platform for discussion and questions making each workshop uniquely different.

For Service Providers

It is important that healthcare professionals, social workers, front line community service workers and first responders have a basic understanding of brain injury, including signs and symptoms.  Certain populations of people in our community have a higher probability of having suffered a brain injury.  This includes people who have been in the corrections system, people who have suffered multiple overdoses, people who have suffered from multiple assaults and/or intimate partner violence as well as the homeless population.  This is a custom UBI workshop designed for organizations and groups working with people who have suffered an ABI.  This workshop will assist them in understanding brain injury and will give some insight into the complex issues that arise when living with, or working with people who have an acquired brain injury.


To register or book a workshop email community@nbis.ca

Meet the Presenter:
Ashleigh Wasner

Ashleigh is a Registered Psychiatric Nurse, with training through the Brain Injury Association of America as a Certified Brain Injury Specialist. She is the Director of Care at Eden Gardens as well as a NBIS volunteer and former board member. Ashleigh brings 9+ years of experience in working directly with families, multidisciplinary teams, and individuals with brain injuries ranging from mild to severe.

“Ashleigh’s a wonderful teacher; her explanations were very interesting as well as easy to follow. I learned a lot!”
UBI Attendee
NBIS Client

Watch Recorded UBI Now!

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